Mintech Technologies
Mintech is the software and engineering development hub of Minutes Network, responsible for creating a proprietary suite of breakthrough technologies and protocols, powering an industry-wide commercial transformation.
Mintech Revenue Turbine
The MRT algorithm lies at the heart of Minutes Network’s profit-generation capabilities. By optimising the costs and profitability of every call terminated, MRT enables Minutes Network to provide the lowest calling costs to carriers worldwide while capturing the maximum value for the Minutes Network ecosystem.

Mintech Flexible Connect (MFC)
MFC is a proprietary toolkit that enables Minutes Network to interact with a broader range of telecommunication protocols and devices than any other competitive solution.
Mintech Analytics Suite (MAS)
MAS provides tailored analytics solutions for all key participants in the Minutes Network / MNT ecosystem.
Mintech Rewards Generator (MRG)
The MRG proprietary protocol allows Minutes Network to seamlessly move revenues from its telecommunications operations over the blockchain to MNT and algorithmically purchase MNTs into the reward pool.
Mintech Node Analytics Suite (MNAS)
MNAS provides MNT node stakers with a bespoke control panel providing granular controls, deep analytics, and insights into the network's performance and data that is not publicly available in the Explorer.
Mintech Development Sandbox (MDS)
MDS is the epicentre of Minutes Network R&D producton and ensures a continuous stream of forward innovation. Across 2025, MDS anticipates expanding Minutes Network services to iOS and extending Minutes Network’s product offerings into the Instant Messaging sector.
Mintech Originiating Carrier Portal (MNOC)
MNOC provides originating carriers with their own insight and analytics platform to manage their operational performance on the network and settle their accounts.